The General Minister’s Report 

We have reached the second day of the Chapter assembly. As is customary, the session began with the prayer and roll call of the capitulars by the secretary of the Chapter, Br. Damian Pereira. After a brief period of reading messages sent to the capitulars by some religious congregations of the Franciscan Family, the moderator invited the General Minister to present his report to the capitulars.

A text of the report was made available to all the friars as the General Minister read his report, the title of which takes up the motto of the Chapter: “Dominus dedit mihi fratres…ut irent in mundum” summarizing in nine points the current picture of the Order: events that have characterized the sexennium, overview of numerical developments of the Order, the rule and life of the Capuchin Friars Minor (our charism), formation, collaboration and mission, structural developments of the Order, offices at the service of the Order, houses at the service of the Order, and the economic situation of the Order.

Due to limited space, we will report on only a few of these topics. The first point concerns the various situations that have affected the life and activities of the friars around the world. Among the most important events, the Minister emphasized the Covid-19 pandemic, which, to date, according to data ascertained by the WHO, has infected hundreds of millions of people and sacrificed more than 7 million. Consequently, in the first year and a half, the General Minister “due to the restrictions imposed on travelers, was forced to almost completely suspend visits to the various circumscriptions, especially those outside Italy or Europe.” 

Other events that marked the Order were the Pan-American meeting of Capuchins from the Americas, meetings in the conferences of Asia, Pope Francis’ decree on lay brothers and government offices, and the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine wars. The second point of the report was an overview of numerical developments in the Order. According to statistical data provided up to December 2023, the Order had 9,684 friars, ascribed to 70 provinces, 10 general custodies, 29 provincial custodies, 26 delegations, and 15 houses of presence. According to statistical data, Africa and Asia/Oceania grew by 150 and 300 respectively, while South and North America declined by 100 each. Meanwhile, Central and Eastern Europe and Western Europe have declined by more than 50 and 600 respectively.

Another aspect highlighted in the report was that of formation and concerning the reception of the Ratio Formationis Ordinis. According to the General Minister, during the sexennium, the Order was committed to knowing it, studying it, trying to put it into practice, adapting it to various situations where necessary. In this regard, the General Minister emphasised the important role of the International Council of Formation; he went on to highlight the importance of collaboration in formation “that values dialog and contribution from everyone, avoiding decisions from above,” and the commitment to “the enhancement of our academic study centers […] for formation in the philosophical and theological disciplines.

Part two of the presentation of the General Minister’s report will be forthcoming.


2 thoughts on “The General Minister’s Report ”

  1. fr. Gerard Mulvey

    I can’t believe that we are below 10,000 friars in total. I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will renew the Order as in a new Pentecost. I really believe the key for the renewal of the Order lies in a our life of prayer and the charism of minority. It is something we should focus on as we approach 2028.

  2. fr. Gerard Mulvey, ofm Cap

    I can’t believe that we are below 10,000 friars. I hope and pray that the Chapter will focus on vocations. May the Holy Spirit renew the Order as in a new Pentecost. I truly believe we need to focus on prayer and well as the charism of Minority. It is something we should focus on in preparation for 2028.

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