The last day of August was significant for the General Chapter. We left the Collegio early in the morning, at 6:30. Destination: The Vatican. On this day Pope Francis received the approximately 220 Chapter members and officers in a private audience in the Hall of the Consistory. Upon the Pope’s entrance, there was great applause in the Hall, an expression of the sincere joy that seemed to fill the heart of every friar. The Pontiff immediately greeted the friars cordially, expressing appreciation “in that they are good confessors”; he cited the Argentine friar he created Cardinal 11 months ago at the age of 96 (Friar Luis Pascual Dri), “who forgives everything,” as an example of a confessor. Addressing the capitulars with his characteristic humility, Francis recalled the three dimensions of our Franciscan spirituality, which he hoped would help us in our discernment and missionary apostolate.
First, he emphasized the fraternal dimension, recalling St. Francis’ indications that “your mission, according to its charism, is born in the fraternity in order to promote fraternity” (cf. RB 3:10-12). He added, “You therefore did not come together to optimize-as unfortunately we sometimes hear- the ‘human resources’ of the Order, nor to improve its performance or to preserve its structures. Rather you return to recognize yourselves, in faith, as chosen brothers, gathered and accompanied by the Father’s providential charity.” The Pope therefore encouraged the friars “to be on guard so that economic resources, human calculations or other such realities never become the top priority; at the center are the people – those to whom the Lord sends you and those with whom he gives you to live, their good, their salvation.”
The second dimension the Pontiff focused on was availability, recalling how Capuchins are famous for their willingness and readiness to leave everything to go “where no one else wants to go.” For Francis, “in times like ours marked by conflicts and where indifference and selfishness seem to take over, you serve as signs for the entire Christian community,” which is a call to be always and everywhere outgoing and given to mission.
The last dimension Francis recalled was the commitment to peace. In this area he praised the ability of the friars to know how to approach everyone, to the point of being called “friars of the people”; through the centuries many Capuchin friars have shown themselves, “expert peacemakers capable of creating opportunities for encounter, mediating resolutions to conflict, bringing people to encounter and promoting a culture of reconciliation.” Francis then concluded that “at the basis of this charism is a fundamental condition: to be in Christ, close to all, especially the poor, the marginalized and those without hope.” After the blessing in which he invoked Our Lady’s accompaniment on the whole Capuchin family, as if he wanted to leave a sign on everyone present, the Pope greeted the General Minister, and then personally greeted all the friars, one by one, with paternal affection.
The last activity was the group photo of him together of all the Capuchins, with Pope Francis in the center. On their way out, the friars admired some rooms adjacent to the Hall of the Consistory, and then returned to the Collegio.