For the past week 173 capitular friars, including provincials, custodes and delegates, have been in Rome for the celebration of the 86th General Chapter of the Capuchin Friars Minor. The images given back to us by the Chapter’s social media are of a harmonious assembly, marked by moments of fraternal sharing, of discussion, of particularly beautiful glimpses, of times of work and prayer, of evenings of fraternal exchange and dialog that are gradually taking shape, thus weaving the daily fabric of the Chapter.

In the Chapter schedule, Sunday is marked as a day to suspend work, to rest and replenish one’s energies. It is the Lord’s Day. Some chapter members take advantage of it for a visit to Rome, for a small pilgrimage to the basilicas, or for some meeting, or whatever. But, behind the scenes, there are those who from day one are working to make the Chapter a beautiful, smoothly operating event, so that it will be a fruitful, grace-filled time for the Order. In fact, a diverse crew of friars duly equipped and competent in various fields is working from early morning until evening to make our Chapter an event that flows harmoniously and engagingly.
Among the various friars, referred to as “officiales”, we find chapter secretaries, actuaries, liturgists, technical workers, language interpreters (there are 6 official ones), translators, information workers, bursars and adiutores who take care of fraternal services, and drivers for the days of arrivals. In all, there are 43 friars who work diligently in the various necessary areas: from the IT area to communication; from the preparation of the refectory to the cleaning of common areas; from economic management to liturgical animation; from the care of the friars to the management of the chapter work in the Aula Magna.

Carrying out their responsibilities, it is also a special time of grace for them, a personal enrichment, being able to experience contact with brothers from all over the world, at such a significant time in the life of the Order. Thinking of their service, a special tribute was paid to them on the evening before the Chapter began with an affair on the Collegio’s piazza, enjoying some refreshments together.