Rome, September 11, 2024. At the end of the assembly proceedings, two works were presented on the morning of September 11, which collect the history of the Capuchins and the marks they have left through the centuries, namely the Lexicon Capuccinum. The text, well known within the Order, in its various editions, has now seen the light of day in a new updated edition, edited by Br. Gianluca Crudo. To quote him directly:

The project of developing the new Lexicon, which in fact is an update of the one published in 1951, began in 2004 following the decision of General Minister Br. John Corriveau and his Council. A new edition was necessary both because of the extraordinary internationalization that the Order experienced during the 20th century and also because of its changed aspect following the changes produced by the Second Vatican Council, the new Constitutions of 1968 and the various PCOs. The new Lexicon (Tome II, Biographical), like that of 1951, is intended to be a reference tool on the various aspects of the history of the Capuchin Order: in this biographical tome are portrayed the friars, Capuchin Poor Clares and other persons close to the life of the Order who have particularly distinguished themselves. Altogether it collects about 4,000 biographical profiles. The updated printing of the biographical profiles was desired by General Minister Br. Roberto Genuin and Council and was proposed on the occasion of our General Chapter 2024.
The publication of Tome I is on local status (i.e., circumscriptions, friaries) and is planned for 2028. The Lexicon is intended primarily for friars, but also for outside scholars. The Office of the Lexicon is located at the International College of St. Lawrence of Brindisi, in Rome, and is led by director Br. Gianluca Crudo, assisted by an International Academic Commission.
Copies will be printed shortly and then sent to all the circumscriptions.