In 24 hours, the celebration of the General Chapter of the Capuchin Friars Minor will begin. Given its importance, as “an outstanding sign and instrument of the union and solidarity of the entire brotherhood gathered together in its representatives” (Const. 124:1), and its complexity, the General Chapter has taken much time and effort in its preparation. The last two weeks have been particularly busy for the various Chapter Commissions that have been adding the final touch ups before the Chapter begins.
During this time there have been various challenges faced, leaving room for an ever-growing expectation of being able to, finally, benefit by meeting one another other. Between the challenges of organizing and the joy of gathering together, Br. Mauro Scoccia, Vice Secretary of the General Chapter, says of “waiting for an event whose full scope we do not yet know because it has not yet happened, because no matter how many things we manage to prepare beforehand, the Holy Spirit works. So even though we may organize, prepare everything in advance, in the end there is always the fantasy of the Spirit working.”

Having passed this stage of preparation, work is now underway for the reception of the friars who, in recent days, have begun to arrive in large numbers at the International College of St. Lawrence of Brindisi, in Rome, the headquarters of the Chapter. There are 173 capitulars including provincials, custodes, delegates and 43 officials and assistants in various capacities representing a total of some 9,684 friars present in Asia, Africa, America, Europe, Oceania and the Middle East. The 86th General Chapter of the Capuchin Friars Minor will take place in Rome from Aug. 26 to Sept. 15, 2024, having as its theme, “Dominus dedit mihi fratres…ut irent in mundum.”
During the business of the chapter, friars scattered around the world will also have the opportunity to follow the turnover of activities through the various platforms and social media of the General Curia and, in a special way, from the capitulum2024 website, specially created for this Chapter.

I am so pleased to be a part the this Chapter of ours with my prayers and this opportunity you brothers are giving to me with your presentations of the events as they happen over the next few weeks. Thank you and my the Holy Spirit manifest itself in many ways blessing our Brotherhood! – Br. Roger