Br. Silvio do Socorro de Almeida Pereira _ PR Maranhão-Pará-Amapá (Brazil)
He was born in 1973, a religious since 1999, a priest since 2005
Religious formation and studies
- 1999-2001: bachelors in philosophy – São Luís, Brazil
- 2002-2005: bachelors in teologia – Belém, Brazil
- 2008-2010: licenza in dogmatic theology – Gregoriana, Rome
- 2011-2014: doctorate in dogmatic theology – Gregoriana, Rome
Ministries, experiences and assignments in the Order
- 2006-2007: provincial secretary and CCB secretary
- 2015-2017: guardian and formator – Belém
- 2015-2017: provincial councilor
- 2015-2017: professor – Faculdade Católica, Belém
- 2018-2021: provincial minister
- From 2021-2024 : General Councilor
Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French