After an extensive time of prayer, invocation to the Lord and reflection, both the morning and afternoon were focused on preliminaries, setting up in the workplaces, assessing the layout of spaces used throughout the Collegio, and becoming familiar with the technology that will be used during the Chapter, which will be mostly paperless.

During the first session, at 4:00 p.m. in the Aula Magna, the capitulars proceeded to test the digital voting application; then they were presented with the work to be carried out in groups (or “ceti” composed according to the various conferences of the Order). The second part of the afternoon, again in the Aula Magna, saw the approval of the Chapter’s rules of procedure, the master schedule, and the setting up of typical preliminary elements, e.g., the roles and services within the Chapter itself. Although the Chapter’s agenda and daily schedule have now been established, they may always be subject to change as needed.
Evening Prayer was celebrated by language groups in the various chapels available in the Collegio.

Que o Senjor bos acompanhe