As we approach the celebration of the General Chapter, we are accumulating various themes that have been the subject of special attention during the current sexennium that will possibly be considered at the next Chapter. In the background is the broad theme of collaboration among circumscriptions, which has already been presented.
Here we focus our attention on the St. Lawrence Fraternities, initially named by Br. Mauro Jöhri “Fraternities for Europe.” In his report to the 2018 General Chapter he stated, “we want to establish fraternities composed of brothers from the circumscription in which the fraternity consists of brothers from other European provinces, and brothers from other continents.” These brothers are asked to do the following:
- to live a simple and understated lifestyle;
- to be dutiful toward common prayer and particularly mental prayer;
- to be willing to do household chores on their own;
- to be ready and eager to offer hospitality;
- to be close to the poor;
- to be ready to serve in any way the local church might ask of them;
- to live the ministry of preaching as a fraternity.
There are currently 10 fraternities that strive to live this out by observing these points in their daily lives: Eight are in Europe and two in the Amazon. In Latin America they arose as the fruit of the Pan-American Meeting, which led to reflection on implementing collaboration among circumscriptions and revitalization of our charism, stimulated also by Pope Francis to care for the Amazon (cf. Querida Amazonia). A special characteristic is the intercultural dimension, which demonstrates that brothers from different cultures, through the presence of Christ among them, can succeed in giving of themselves and working together in a common life.
To carry out this mission more effectively, the Saint Lawrence Fraternities have the full and active support of the Minister General through the presence of a special commission. The brothers who are its members recently gathered in Rome (Feb. 16 – 17, 2024) to review the ten fraternities in anticipation of the next General Chapter. They reaffirmed that the St. Lawrence Fraternities, insofar as they are composed of brothers from different cultures (while encountering certain difficulties for this reason) are a strong sign/witness for a strongly divided world. They also realize an ad intra mission of our Order; that is, they constitute a genuine attempt at “fanning the flame of our charism.” In fact, the St. Lawrence Fraternities are an integral and full part of the provincial fabric not as an element of distinction but as a leaven for communion. After existing for only a few years, some good fruit can already be seen. The Saint Lawrence Fraternities:
- serve to inspire by their observance other local fraternities in the circumscription and are seen as a richness for the circumscription itself. They are thus a resource for ongoing formation, both on the level of individual friars or for the entire circumscription;
- serve to inspire local fraternities in other circumscriptions to take on characteristics they see in these fraternities, even if they are not of an international makeup (i.e., they try to live with commitment a life of prayer, fraternity, minority and poverty while ministering and working in communion with one another).
- are in some parts of Europe the only significant Capuchin presence recognized by the people. At one time, the Capuchins flourished throughout the continent and were very generous in the field of missionary work, but today they are extremely reduced in number and limited in their impact;
- serve to stimulate a greater level of attraction to our life, also through the vocation ministry;
Certainly, there are also difficulties that must be addressed:
- Finding suitable friars to be part of the San Lorenzo Fraternities; that is, to be missionaries in a secularized world, primarily by witnessing to our life without neglecting
responsibility toward our apostolates;
- After over ten years, there remains an urgent need to create a program for promoting and preparing the brothers called to be part of the project;
- Unfortunately, there are ministers who are not open or ready for brothers in their circumscriptions to be part of this project – mission.
Despite these difficulties, the commission is convinced that the project is moving forward with the kind of hope that writer and politician Václav Havel of the Czech Republic once articulated: “Hope is not the belief that what we are doing will be successful. Hope is the certainty that what we are doing has meaning.”